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The Pioneer Group Annual Reports

Our annual and financial reports set out our achievements over the last financial year; explain how we’ve responded to the challenges that we’ve faced and outline how we plan to develop and grow in the best interests of our customers and communities.

Each year we produce an annual review for tenants detailing how we have performed in the year. We are regulated by the government’s Regulator for Social Housing (RSH) which monitors our housing services to ensure we meet all required standards. This report looks at how we meet RSH standards by letting you know how we have performed and how we will improve our services. Our Annual Tenant Reports can be downloaded using the links below however if you would like a hard copy, please contact us.

Here you can find our first sustainability report under the Sustainability Reporting Standard for Social Housing. This report brings together our journey to meet our environmental, social and governance goals.

This is a first draft and will be a work in progress over the coming years. This report relates to our position at the end of the financial year 2023-24.

Read the full report here.