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Enabling people to reach their true potential by giving them access to youth, family, health and employment support services.

Providing community-driven housing solutions to meet the needs and aspirations of local people and the communities they live in.

Creating successful communities through capacity building and developing partnerships between local people and local agencies, as well as the wider voluntary, public and private sectors.

Compass Support

Compass Support provides services targeting young people, families, vulnerable groups and older people from their base at The Sanctuary. They began as youth work providers but have grown their remit and locations.

Spitfire Support

Separate from The Pioneer Group is the independent charity Spitfire Support and Advice Services, running the library and a community cinema. Castle Vale Community Housing commission Spitfire to provide advice, welfare support, and a drop-in to support people in financial crisis.

The Community Environmental Trust

The Community Environmental Trust delivers a Forest Schools programme, and manages the Farnborough Fields Conservation Area and Castle Vale Community Pool, which was transferred to the Trust from City.

We are proud of what we have done and we believe in what we do. We have expertise in community regeneration that could enable us to unlock the potential in other areas - whether these are in Birmingham or elsewhere. We can help you in any of the following areas:


We can provide programs designed to meet the diverse needs of the communities you would like us to work with, at all stages of their lives. The services we provide and are able to offer include Health and wellbeing and People and families.

Employment & Education

Services range from careers advice to sexual health programs; from parenting skills classes to tackling obesity and even social prescription pads for GPs to refer people to ‘swap a tablet for a tablet’.


We can gather information about communities, using a variety of tools and methodologies that enables us to compare the statistical evidence to what is really happening within them. Working with LocalGrowth (our consultancy partner), we have successfully developed a Neighbourhood Diagnostic – that has been successfully deployed in a number of neighbourhoods in Birmingham and beyond.

We are then able to facilitate solutions and neighbourhood plans that include strategies and targets, in conjunction with the local partners who will drive them. We can also help develop local structures and build the capacity of the community – through volunteering, community development and local democracy – to turn these plans into a reality and to ensure that the community remains firmly in charge.


Housing is essential to meet peoples’ basic needs and we can ensure these are fulfilled by offering affordable housing solutions and products for all residents. In your community, we can deliver first-class, community-led housing services and also develop new and innovative housing options – including community ownership and tenant management – to meet the needs of communities and individuals.

The Pioneer Group Legal and Governance Structure

The Pioneer Group has several brands within it. Some are for legal reasons or to separate out specific areas of work, other parts of our structure reflect our history. Below is an overview of the Group’s structure to see how each component works together towards making lives and communities better. 


Click to read our Annual Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Report, Policy and Strategy