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Review of our June Community Walkabouts!

Our Community Walk and Talks happen four times a year, where we invite residents to walk the estate with our teams and highlight issues in the local area. 

Residents look out for anything that makes the estate appear unsafe or untidy, so that our Officers can make a note of it and get the problem sorted. 

Walkabouts are a great opportunity to have your say in how you would like your local area to be improved. 

If you are unable to come along on the day, you can still be involved by emailing your views to 

June Walkabouts 

Our most recent set of walkabouts took place on 4th, 5th, 11th and 12th June, led by our Neighbourhood Officers for each patch of the estate. 

Councillor for Castle Vale, Ray Goodwin, also attended, allowing us to work in partnership with Spitfire Services to overcome any issues. 

Residents expressed the following concerns: 

Henshaw Patch – Neighbourhood Officer: Colin 

  • Overgrown bushes and maintenance of front Gardens  
  • Communications with CCTV to tackle ASB 

Sowrey Patch – Neighbourhood Officer: Fran 

  • Maintenance of front gardens  
  • Spaces of overgrown grass 

Fairclough Patch – Neighbourhood Officer: Juliet 

  • Anti-social behaviour in Innsworth Green open space 

 Maxwell Patch – Neighbourhood Officer: Jade 

  • Dumped fridge on Cosford Crescent (which has now been reported) 

If you are unsure which patch name your home comes under, you can find out here: 

Patches | Castle Vale Community Housing ( 

Our next set of walkabouts will be in September, so be sure to keep an eye on our social media platforms for the dates.