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Summer Activity Programme for Castle Vale!

We are proud to announce that we have put together a Summer Activity Programme for 2024!

This summer is going to be full of fun-filled activities for both children and families such nature trips, family fun days, kayaking, gardening and more!

We wanted to give children on the estate the chance to enjoy that well-deserved break, as well as lend parents that helping hand!

The activities are led by our charity, Compass Support, as well as our community partners Young Stars, Community Environmental Trust (CET), The Kickstart Academy, Foundations for the Future and Birmingham Parks and Ranger service.

The programme has a calendar of the activities available on Castle Vale this summer and the necessary contact details for the providers.

Each child who attends Chivenor, Topcliffe, Pegasus, St Gerrards and Minworth school should have received a printed copy of our programme booklet.

Should anyone be missing one, we have plenty spare at The Sanctuary in Castle Vale or we can email you over an online copy!

Let’s make this summer the summer of fun!